Saturday, March 25, 2023

Focus on the Basics-Put The Fire Out

I once had a tee shirt with quote from the FDNY's Andy Fredericks that stated if you put the fire out,  you will not have to jump out of the window.  This was on the heels of the incident in New York, where five members were trapped and needed to bailout of a fifth floor apartment. This tragedy brought to light many things including the need for escape rope systems, and training. 

The escape systems became the subject of  a hyper focused blitz in all the trade journals and fire training conferences. It is not uncommon for a high profile event to take up space in the world of firefighting, often to the detriment of the basic tenets of our profession. As Andy was pointing out we need to not lose focus on the basics of firefighting. A well placed hose line on the seat of the fire solves all the fire ground problems. The need for rescue is less, the exposures are no longer at risk, and the IDLH is no longer a factor in fire ground operations. 

The basic principle of breaking a leg of the fire triangle is still a valid plan, and the most effective means to make the unsafe, safe again. Remember our first priority is LIFE, and it has been shown time again the best method to preserve life is to put the fire out.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

You cannot make this crap up

 I was attending Firehouse Expo some years ago. I had participated in a HOT class on self-rescue lead by Battalion Chief (Ret) John Salka FDNY. Well I managed to hurt myself, and had to disengage from the evolutions. Later that night I sat in the hot tub at my hotel, rehabbing. I hear a familiar voice, it is The Chief. He gets in the tub, and says, “ How’s your neck?” Mind you I just met the man that afternoon, and now I find myself engaged in a conversation with this Fire Service Luminary. He must have noticed my unique Scottish/Portuguese appearance, aka hairy back. Next thing I know he’s bustin’ my balls…”I don’t think the management would appreciate you wearing that sweater in the here…”

When we speak of the brotherhood that is the fire service, it does not matter if you are from the FDNY or Dixon Fire, any thing can be fair game. Thanks for keeping it real Chief.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Daily Quick Bit- Paramedicine version

Remember, Turkeys Die Too: My paramedic instructor spoke to the fact that you may see the same patient daily or even more frequently for a non-acute complaint, but there is the one time when they are really sick. Do not be complacent and assume that their complaint is not legitimate. When you do, it will be the time they die.

Every patient, a Turkey or not deserves an assessment, their life and your career may be at stake.


The Lost Art of Firemanship 2008 version


The views expressed are those of the author, and do not represent my employer, or other members of the fire service although maybe they should…

Let face facts, this job is not rocket science. Those of average intelligence, with common sense and basic mechanical aptitude can excel in the fire service. Then why have we lost the basic knowledge, skills and abilities to perform our jobs?
It can all fall back upon the lost art of firemanship. Yes I used the “man” version, but firemanship is not about gender, rather it refers to the basic skills that that fire service has used for generations.

As a boy scout I studied the basics of firefighting and earned my “Firemanship” merit badge. We learned about the fire triangle and if we took away a leg of the triangle, the fire would go out. We learned hot air rises and fire always looks for the path of least resistance. I learned these things when I was 12 years old. Why is it that this basic information seems to be foreign to most people entering the fire service today?
Yes that was many years ago, but I still use those simple boyhood lessons every day. Not to generation bash, but the kids these days have grown-up in a much different time and culture than I did.

We have the pleasure of hosting a junior college fire academy at our department. This allows me the opportunity to witness the “cream-of-the-crop” and the future of our profession. And what I see makes me worry. Many of the “kids” appear to lack basic life skills: how to clean a toilet; how to press a shirt; how to cook a basic meal or how to follow simple instructions. It is not all their fault. We as a society must take our share of the blame. Our fast food, fast lane, and fast internet world has taken away the need for our youth to learn the skills that it takes to be a good firefighter.

We again fail them in the academy. We have forsaken the must know skills: hoselines, ladder throws, search and rescue and PPE use. As an example I have seen as little as four hours of the fire academy dedicated to SCBA. The students get to don the BA once and maybe do a quick right-hand search, and then they are onto the next topic.

The instructors have spent much more time on topics such as Hazmat, confined space and terrorism. These are all important given the world we live in, but they should not replace the information that the entry level grunt firefighter needs to know. Education should focus on pulling hose, throwing ladders and basic fire behavior--- good basic firemanship. A Firefighter 1 certification should mean more than just being able to recognize a hose or ladder, but the new firefighter must know how to use them, in their sleep!

It is just not the “new kids” that lack the luster and shine of good firemanship, but guys that have been on the job for some time. Just to review a basic tenant of firefighting: Firefighting is inherently dangerous. When did we forget this fact? Fire is hot. There is smoke, dangerous gases, little or no visibility and FIRE. I have been on incidents where we were admonished to avoid going in because it was burning. I ask you if we do not go in to put the fire out then what are we there for? This is where common sense comes into play: We enter the environment knowing that it is dangerous. We are running in, while everyone else is run out, to take actions to make the situation better.

Another example of the loss of Firemanship is demonstrated by a department culture where it is acceptable to sit in the front lawn, surrounded by a pile of water bottles after using your first SCBA bottle rehabbing , all the while the home continues to burn. Firefighting means you are going to get dirty, be hot, tired and just plain get your back side kicked. When did it become ok to abandon your job because you are sweating?

We have also lost the basic knowledge of fire behavior. A neighboring department was working a residential fire, when the radio lit up with anxious traffic reporting an attic fire. They seemed truly surprised that there was fire extension to the attic space. All I could do not to yell at the radio and say “no duh dumb sh**.”

Yes, I have spent a great deal time griping about what is wrong, and I would be remiss if I did not offer any solutions. I am mindful of the old saying admonishing those who live in glass houses not through stones. So I took my 6 foot hook and cleared the glass, sash and all, hopefully letting the stale air out.

First, we cannot change how the next generation is raised. But we can encourage vocational education. It should be ok to take a shop class. People should know how things work and how to fix things and I don’t mean debugging a computer program or how to hard reboot a CPU.

Second, we must not forsake our traditions. Fire has been fought by men and women, crawling down hot, smokey hallways taking a beating to put the fire out. It was dangerous then and remains dangerous now. Let’s not let forget the lessons learned by our predecessors; take the time to teach the New Kid what firemanship is about, what the job is about.

Third, we must continue our professional and personal education. We cannot just learn something and think we know it forever. Our job environment changes too much to remain entrenched in some old technique we learned in drill school. Keep an open mind, but do not forget the basics.

Remember put the wet stuff on the red stuff. We can solve all the fire ground problems by putting the fire out. With no fire, there is no need for a rescue. No exposure problems and no need for the RIC.

As a profession we must return to the basics of our trade: Hot, dirty, hard work that every generation has done before us. Keep yourself educated, in shape and be true to the job. Remember we are the fire service and it is only as good as we make. Do not forget Firemanship, because without it public works could do our job.

About Me

Just a few words about my time on he job. I grew up wanting to be just like Chet Kelly of Station 51 fame. Why not not Johnny or Roy, mostly because I never really have sought out the spotlight. Chet like myself was a bit of the comedic relief. But what I did have in common was that I did want to be a paramedic. I received my initial basic EMT training right out of high school in 1983, over 40 years ago. I have been working as a paramedic since 1991. It was that same year that I joined my local volunteer fire department. I worked private ambulance for 10 years before I was fortunate enough to become on of the original firefighter/paramedics for the Dixon Fire Department. I have just completed my 22nd year of service. During those years I held the ranks of firefighter, interim engineer, Fire Captain, and currently as a shift Battalion Chief.

I will be the first to say I am far from an expert, but with age comes experiences, both positive and negative. If you will allow me to share then with you, I would be honored and humbled to pass on what I know.

Two generations of Firefighters

 Pinning Jacob’s CalFire FAE Badge

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Rebirth of the Big Line Fire blog

It has been sometime since I sat down at the key board and, let my thoughts flow in to the inter webs. I found my old blog site and it reminded me that I may have something’s left to say. So please feel free to read my old posts, as I start to get my thoughts together for this new start.

Borrowed But Good
