Thursday, March 23, 2023

You cannot make this crap up

 I was attending Firehouse Expo some years ago. I had participated in a HOT class on self-rescue lead by Battalion Chief (Ret) John Salka FDNY. Well I managed to hurt myself, and had to disengage from the evolutions. Later that night I sat in the hot tub at my hotel, rehabbing. I hear a familiar voice, it is The Chief. He gets in the tub, and says, “ How’s your neck?” Mind you I just met the man that afternoon, and now I find myself engaged in a conversation with this Fire Service Luminary. He must have noticed my unique Scottish/Portuguese appearance, aka hairy back. Next thing I know he’s bustin’ my balls…”I don’t think the management would appreciate you wearing that sweater in the here…”

When we speak of the brotherhood that is the fire service, it does not matter if you are from the FDNY or Dixon Fire, any thing can be fair game. Thanks for keeping it real Chief.

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