Wednesday, March 22, 2023

About Me

Just a few words about my time on he job. I grew up wanting to be just like Chet Kelly of Station 51 fame. Why not not Johnny or Roy, mostly because I never really have sought out the spotlight. Chet like myself was a bit of the comedic relief. But what I did have in common was that I did want to be a paramedic. I received my initial basic EMT training right out of high school in 1983, over 40 years ago. I have been working as a paramedic since 1991. It was that same year that I joined my local volunteer fire department. I worked private ambulance for 10 years before I was fortunate enough to become on of the original firefighter/paramedics for the Dixon Fire Department. I have just completed my 22nd year of service. During those years I held the ranks of firefighter, interim engineer, Fire Captain, and currently as a shift Battalion Chief.

I will be the first to say I am far from an expert, but with age comes experiences, both positive and negative. If you will allow me to share then with you, I would be honored and humbled to pass on what I know.

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